Slow Cruise

Sailing Adventures of s/v Alpine Zephyr
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain
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Sailing Log: ICW North Carolina Cruising

Cruising North Carolina along ICW

Broad Creek

Broad Creek Anchorage

Log#: 26
LatLon: 36°12.283'N, 075°57.783'W

Apparently, there are no good protected anchorages along this stretch of ICW. Found Broad Creek anchorage, couple miles off the main ICW route.

Quite windy night.

Broad Creek Broad Creek Broad Creek Anchorage Moving Along ICW Moving Along ICW Moving Along ICW Moving Along ICW Moving Along ICW Marker Alongway ICW Broad Creek Anchorage
Sunset Anchorage at Alligator River

Alligator River - Deep Point Anchorage

Log#: 27
LatLon: 35°40.510'N, 076°03.517'W

One night stop at Alligator River anchorage.
Replaced fuel lift pump filter before dinner. As they say - cruising is about fixing your boat in exotic places. Well, we will get to (more) exotic places, some day, but for now it's about fixing the boat to get there.
Some pics from the Alligator River.

Alligator River Swing Bridge Windless Wake on Alligator River Moon Anchorage View from the Cockpit shortly after sunset Alligator River Alligator River Alligator River Alligator River in the wake Alligator River Boating Alligator River
Docked at Belhaven

Belhaven, NC

Log#: 28
LatLon: 35°31.775'N, 076°37.347'W

Docked at Belhaven dock for couple hours while walking around town, visited hardware store. Not much else is there.
Asked twice for directions - both times happen to be similar boat cruisers as us... (wander where are the locals).
Did not have need or desire to walk a mile+ and back to more stores/groceries/shopping.
Got grounded while leaving the dock!
Anchored in the harbor overnight.

Belhaven Jetty On the way south ICW ICW Canal Scape ICW Canal Scape Fishing boats along ICW House along ICW
Oriental anchorage at night

Oriental, NC

Log#: 29
LatLon: 35°01.414'N, 076°41.898'W

The town's small courtesy dock was occupied, so anchored in a harbor.
In the evening, walked around the town, picked up groceries. BBQ chicken for dinner - yammy.
Next morning, filled up fuel at the nearby marina and left further southbound along the ICW.

Motoring toward Oriental Our yacht anchored dinghy dock Oriental beach Oriental Pond Oriental anchorage at night
Town Creek Beaufort NC

Town Creek Anchorage, Near Beaufort, NC

Log#: 30
LatLon: 34°43.549'N, 076°39.981'W

Just a quick overnight stop along our ICW' southbound route.
Didn’t go ashore - just did some work on the boat, dinner.

Town Creek at sunset Town Creek at night nice boat along icw houses along icw houses along icw houses along icw sign along icw old boatyardyard sign
Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage

Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage

Log#: 31
LatLon: 34°33.094'N, 077°19.466'W

Stayed overnight at the Mile Hammlock Bay Anchorage.

This one was entertaining. Apparently, the bay borders with the military training range. We heard gunfire, tanks, there were airplanes in the sky, etc. Fortunately, it all ended at sunset and we had a quiet night.

Tomorrow is a long ~ 45 miles run to our next anchorage.

Sanck before dinner Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage jsut after sunsset ICW scape alon the way  urban ICW scape alon the way  marshes ICW scape alon the way
Wrightsville Beach

Wrightsville Beach

Log#: 32
LatLon: 34°12.128'N, 077°48.246'W

There are two restricted bridges just before Wrightsville Beach. One of them opens once an hour - our arrival had a bad timing and we just missed the scheduled opening, so we had to wait and do the "bridge dance" for almost an hour.

We arrived Friday afternoon, and from the water, the city is quite crazy - numerous motorboats driven by bear-drinking youngsters zooming at high speed along the waterways. I guess it’s just the kind of lifestyle people come here for. Nothing wrong, really...

Stayed at anchor for a day and another night. Dingied to shore for a walk (long), had chinese food lunch, picked up some groceries, had strawberry smoothies in the way back.

The engine is staring to have some problems. Diagnosed, posted question on the ’Net, etc. Trouble-shooted. Looks like the fuel tank needs flushing and cleaning - the primary fuel filter collects sludge quickly. Will have to go to a boatyard for a service - don’t have tools to do this messy job.

Wrightsville Beach Marina Wrightsville Beach Anchorage Wrightsville Beach Anchorage Wrightsville Beach Anchorage Sailboat rascing Beautiful Sunset Pink House ICW Dolphin in the ICW
Servicing fuel tank

Tank cleaning at the Boatyard

Log#: 33
LatLon: 33°55.143'N, 078°15.499'W

Scheduled our arrival to do the fuel tank service at the Hewett Marine Boatyard. It's a low key place. Mostly for do-it-yourselvers.

It took almost a day with the help of a mechanic to service the tank. Pumping out the fuel, vacuuming the sludge from the tank, filtering and pouring the fuel back into the tank, treating with biocide. Messy job, but it had to be done.
Stayed two nights at the place.

at the yard at the yard at night at the yard at night Dock pile leaving the yard fish trawler along ICW sunken barge ICW water street Houses along ICW his and hers pirate flag feeding seagals
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