Savannah River / St. Augustine Creek
LatLon: 32°03.700'N, 080°59.115'W
An overnight stop in a narrow and deep creek just past Savannah River.
Like sunsets...
Cruising Georgia along ICW
An overnight stop in a narrow and deep creek just past Savannah River.
Like sunsets...
Had a short run to this anchorage - tomorrow earlier morning going to catch a high tide to pass the Hell Gate, one of the shallowest areas on ICW.
Arrived earlier - changed engine oil & filter (overdue), had BBQ chicken + fried potato + tomato salad for dinner.
Most Georgia’s ICW anchorages look pretty much the same: narrow and deep rivers in tree-less marshes. The North River anchorage was not much different.
Learning how to play tides in order to pass ICW’ shallow trouble spots. Sometimes have to wake up early, move shorter or longer distances to make marks, for staging next day passage. Waking up early again next morning.
An interesting stop. There is a nature reserve park on the island, and a new "village" development near ocean shore.
Had a nice walk in the area. No provisions except the gas station store and DQ.