Boat Upgrades at the Yard and Some Fun Time in Florida
LatLon: 27°28.733'N 080°20.051'W
LatLon: 27°29.074'N 080°19.644'W
LatLon: 27°27.175'N 080°19.052'W
LatLon: 27°00.247'N 080°05.715'W
LatLon: 26°46.453'N 080°02.490'W
Before going for the next cruising season, I have decided to make few fairy major upgrades to our yacht:
1. Replace aging fabric dodger / bimini rooftop with a semi-rigid polycarbonate
2. Upgrade solar and power system
3. Install watermaker / desalinator
These projects took much more time then originally planned, but at the end it was well worth it. Plus, I have saved quite a bit of money by doing all work myself.
Also, spent some fun time on Florida - walking town streets, going to festivals and fairs, and just road tripping around.
Rented a car and fully stocked the boat for the upcoming several months trip to Bahamas.